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Monday, December 29, 2008

HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Your visual blueprint for designing effective Web pages

Your visual blueprint for designing effective Web pages
PDF | 369 pages | English | 25 Mb 

Product Description:
If you’ve ever been curious about any of the multitude of internet acronyms, the web technologies they represent, and how they can benefit you, this book is a great place to start. This book covers all the necessary topics to get up and running with HTML, XHTML, and CSS while offering readers a guide to modern, standards-based design. Key tasks covered in the book include setting up a Web page, reducing image resolution, creating radio buttons, adding a hit counter, adding an embedded sound, adding content from other sites such as integrating a blog and creating an RSS feed. Large topics are broken into smaller, more approachable sub-topics that are clearly explained on two pages eliminating the back and forth page flipping required in other references. Arranged so that skills build progressively throughout the book coupled with bold page headers it is simple to flip through and easily find any section or topic you are looking for. Understandable with straightforward terms that avoid intimidating and unexplained jargon, this is a book that will benefit complete novices and advanced users alike.

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